Synopsis: Discover the hands-only drifting! Panayiotis Grigoriou is the only active paraplegic Drift driver and SL 2018 Champion of Greece. This short documentary gives us the opportunity to get a brief glimpse of his racing career and the struggles he is forced to overcome daily. Panayiotis Grigoriou (Spinnerakos) was born in Chalkida and lived an ordinary life. At the age of 9, he found a lipoma in the waist, and after the second operation, he was left disabled at the age of 13. At 33, he found a way with the Greek federation to create the procedures so a disabled person could get a racing driving license and compete with non-disabled drivers. His dream comes true, and he participates in the Greek Drift championship. In 2018, he was crowned Greek Drift champion in the Street Legal category.
Running time: 9 minutes
Genre Short Film, Documentary
Country of Origin Greece
Language: Modern Greek
Director: Nasos Karamalegkos