Synopsis: While filming absent civil servants, a documentary crew stumbles upon Haroula, a desperate, overprotective Greek mother in search of her son. But when she is accused of fraud, Haroula sets out with her other disabled son and a Greek African taxi driver to bring him back home where he belongs. Even if this means discovering who her son really is.
Running Time: 1hr 27min
Comedy, Drama
Country of Origin: Greece
Language: Greek (With English Subtitles)
Director: Spiros Jacovides
Athens Panorama of European Cinema 2022-Winner of Best Actor (Kevin Zans Ansong) and Best Actress (Eleni Kokkidou)
Thessaloniki Film Festival 2022 – Winner Audience Award, Winner Greek Film Center Award, Winner Youth Jury Award
Trieste Film Festival 2023 – Winner Audience Award of Best Feature-Length Film, Winner of Best Feature Film