
Acceptance Greek Film

Synopsis: “Αποδοχή – Acceptance” is a poignant documentary short film that tells the story of a man whose life is severely disrupted by a car crash and an unjust legal outcome. Unable to work or walk, hurt both physically and emotionally, he turns away from society, quits his day job and becomes an animal breeder, a shepherd, seeking solace and meaning in his newfound connection with animals. The film explores his journey towards forgiveness and resilience, challenging conventional notions of fulfillment and inviting viewers to reflect on their own perceptions. ” Αποδοχή – Acceptance” is a compelling exploration of the human spirit’s capacity to find peace in unexpected places and love unconditionally.

Running time: 9 minutes
Genre Short Film, Documentary
Country of Origin Cyprus
Language: Modern Greek
Awards: 2nd Prize Best Cypriot Short Film 2023

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